Bil and Bon Franks - The Twilght of Magic Saga
Hello everyone! Today I want to to welcome to the blog, Bil and Bon Franks! They're wonderful writers and lovely people, and I just know you'll all get along very well!
Marion: Welcome to the blog, you two! Tell us a little about yourselves.
We are Bil
and Bon Franks, authors of a four-book saga we call “Twilight of Magic.”
Marion’s covers are shown on this blog, along with buy links for the first two,
the ones that have been published.

I am a country girl, born and raised in a small town in Nevada. I attended the
Univ. of So. Calif., where I earned a few degrees in English and Comparative
Literature. My several careers have taken me from the classroom to the
marketing/promotion end of the newspaper biz, to the car lots of new and used
vehicles, to the garden centers of a big-box store. My biggest enjoyment, until
I began to write seriously, was my yard (landscaping, growing roses). Now I get
a tremendous pleasure in creating stories for young and adult readers too.
Marion: What
was the first book you ever read that really blew your mind, that you couldn’t
stop thinking about after you’d finished?
I think it was The
Mysterious Island by Jules Verne. It was his version of the Swiss Family
Robinson, with the surprise twist *SPOILER ALERT* that Capt. Nemo—yes the Nemo—was the
benefactor of the castaways.
I can’t recall the first one. But I remember being blown away by Watership Down by
Richard Adams. In a sense (now, looking back on it), that ingenious book may
have inspired Jay Feather and the dwarf clans deep in their underground
enclaves in our book Children
of the Dust.
Marion: How
do you start thinking about a book? Is
it the characters that first pop to mind, or the setting, or the plot? Where do you usually start?
Characters always drive the story. Others may start with a story and then
invent certain cast members, but not me.
Marion: If
you could invite five writers, living or dead, to dinner, who would they be?

I’d love to chat with Geoff
Chaucer, Bill Shakespeare, Emily Dickinson, Seamus Heaney and Michael Chabon.
Notice these names are pretty skewed to the poetical. Even when my fave writers
are not poets per se, they write sheer poetry.
Marion: When
was the last time you just had to write, and what inspired that feeling?
The last time was a few days ago, when our computer crashed. I suppose because
I couldn’t write, I just had to! I should note that the only way I can seem to
write is from my brain to my fingers to the keyboard. I long ago lost any
ability to write longhand. Too slow!
Marion: Oh, I know how that is. As soon as I don't have any way to write or sketch, I start itching to it! What
is your absolute favorite sentence--just one sentence--from your book? Why?
From Running Over
Rainbows: Bending to
the ground, I placed the little spray of flowers next to his grave. It would soon break apart in the moving air, petal by petal, as natural
as the wind itself.
Here, the elderly Aunt Marrie has gone to the grave of her long-dead
husband to leave a memorial. But true to her nature, the flower she places
there is a sprig of wildflower, its beauty and meaning embodied in its very
Marion: What
one scene do you think you spent the most time editing? What was it about it that you couldn’t seem
to get right?

Marion: What’s
the one thing you wish you were good at, but just can’t seem to master?
Gawd, I’d give about anything to be able to sing. But I’m tone deaf. From a
very early age, I sang along with all my parents’ records. Also when very
young, I memorized dozens of different operatic arias from my dad’s albums and
sang them endlessly. Baritone? Tenor? No problem! To this day, I’ll get on a
singing jag and go through twenty different arias, from Carmen to Rigoletto,
any voice range at all. And never, ever in tune.
Marion: Again, I'm right there with you. I so wish I could sing well, but I keep trying even knowing I can't. *G* What’s
your favorite book title?
Of another writer,
Stranger in a
Strange Land. A title from a play within a play, Romeo and Ethel the Pirate’s Daughter
(from the movie “Shakespeare in Love,” itself from the play written by Tom
And, from our own books, my favorite would be Hidden
by the Rose, because of its martial arts innuendo.
Mine is Where Wild
Ponies Ran. The phrase is spoken by Caylith. She’s expressing her grief
that her first love interest has left, taking the ponies with him. But the wild
ponies come to stand for Caylith herself—her wild nature, her unbridled spirit—and the place they run is
Ireland, her untamed new home.
Marion: What
project are you currently working on?
and Bon: We’re toying with some stories that will delve into the
“faerie” nature of the little people in Ireland. Of course, Jay Feather, scion
of the Feather Clan of dwarves, will figure prominently. Bon wants to write a
book about St. Patrick that includes the character Benignus, supposedly a young
man taken in by Patrick and later made a saint, who had a singing voice like an
angel. Bil is sketching some ideas now on a ‘tween-teen book about the grandson
of Marco Polo . . . how he took the discoveries of his grandfather to drive the
Marion: Oh, they all sound fun! And you two sound busy. *nods* What
did your “favorite” rejection letter say?
I can almost quote it. The lit agent expressed her despair that our query
letter had been in their spam file for almost a year . . . The pub thought it
had great merit . . . Did we still want them to consider it? We wrote back that the book had already been
signed—along with three of its companions—by MuseItUp Publishing, thank you
very much!
Marion: Is
there a writer whose style or talent you envy?
What is it about their writing that draws you in?
Bil: Roger
Zelazny gives enough information about his cast to draw you in, without
over- explaining.

Marion: Wow, guys! You both have such wonderful perspectives. It's been great having you here, and I can't wait to see what you two come up with next! Any parting words?
Marion Sipe, we want folks to know
what a gem you are. You have the ability somehow to “see” the spirit of a book
and put it into a cover. All four of “The Twilight of Magic” series covers are
a sheer delight. It would be very difficult for us to choose a favorite,
because each one of them tells a story all by itself and compels the viewer to
read the story.
Thanks for letting us be your guests
today. We enjoyed this a lot!
Marion: Aw! You guys are too sweet! Thank you! And thanks for coming to share with us today! Readers, you can win a FREE copy of the first book in this wonderful series just by commenting and leaving your email! And you can find Bil and Bon on the web in the following places:
BilBon Franks:
Children of the Dust and
Where Wild Ponies Ran from
MuseItUp in 2013
*Yawn* Well, it's a little early for folks to be up and about. But we'll be around all day, kind of hanging here at Marion's jazzy site, hoping you all will have some questions for us.
We want one of you to win that free book RUNNING OVER RAINBOWS...already the recipient of two 5-star leave a comment. After that cuppa coffee, of course.
We're delighted that you made it here to wish us success. And of course we're thrllled to hear that you've picked up our book.
Yes, the faerie part of Ireland is calling to us. But true to our nature, the magical folk will be those we've created already, who have emigrated to that fair land. A lot different than most Irish faeries!
Take care, and much success, ~Bil and Bon
We have to agree...that would be an awesome party. For Bil, throw in Dorothy Parker (but don't hurt her), and it would be perfect.
Thanks so much for stopping by! ~Bil and Bon
We wish you ongoing success with your great YA book SUMMER OF THE EAGLES and look forward to the next.
Fondly, Bil and Bon
~Bil and Bon
Because I live WAY OUT in rural AZ, anytime the wind picks up I can't comment on blogs. That little wheel just keeps spinning and spinning and spinning. But I wanted to tell you your interview was great. You both seem like such awesome folks - and your books (and covers) look fabulous!
Gosh, how wonderful of you to go to the trouble of emailing us with your comments You're da bomb!
We sure appreciate your comments! Thanks so much,
Bil & Bon
Thanks for inviting us!
~Bil and Bon
To Osirri,
We appreciate your visit today. Have a great day.
Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your stories and lives.
It's really nice to see you here on Marion's blog.
Thanks for taking the time to read about us, and to give us your words of support!
All best, Bil and Bon
How nice of you to drop by! Thanks for your comments and your well wishes.
Yeah, a lot has influenced us. Isn't it wonderful how an author's unique experiences make for a world of unique books?
All best, Bil and Bon
Hope to see y'all again!