Good Book Alert!

My first ever Good Book Alert review is up over at the site! It's so exciting. :-D I really liked the book, too! Ice Blue, by Emma Jameson, which is a fun mystery novel with fantastic characters! You can find my review here

In addition, I think I'm finally getting a handle on everything. All the new activities and how to balance them with the old, and when to take a break. And that's what I'm doing now. I finished with A Sign in Blood (in that it's ready for macro reads and I'll be sending it out soon!) and now I'm taking a little time off before I dive into notes and revisions on another first draft. If I keep finishing early, I might even get time to go back to those short stories!


Carol Ervin said…
I'm going to buy the book! (Going now to order a kindle.) I like your review site -- keep it up!
Marion Sipe said…
That's wonderful. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did! :-D I was really lucky. I came in after the other great reviewers there had already done most of the planning and putting together and they still let me in the club house to play!

I think a group review site works really well, because everyone can review at their own pace and there are still plenty of reviews. Thank you! And we will! :-D

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