Busy is Better than Bored

I haven't gotten much fiction writing done this week, but I have gotten a few things submitted. I've done some non-fiction writing, and managed to crit a few things (there's always more do! :D ). I have been thinking about the fiction, though. You can't tear me away from it entirely.

Court of Scales is slow going, but once I have a little more free time I think I'll be able to make some progress. It really isn't as far from ready as I keep thinking it is, so it's my hope that I'll breeze through it and get it up and critted. I've also been thinking about A Sign in Blood and what it needs before I can get it moving again. I don't know when I'll have time to do it, but at least by then I'll know what I'm doing. Well, one hopes. :D

Today, however, there will be no writing. I'm taking my mom to the the botanical gardens for some fresh air, (hopefully obscured) sunshine, and a lot of picture taking because we both love that.

Happy Mother's Day everybody! :D


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