Guest Post on Art and Writing

Hey everyone!

Tonight I'm over at Wendy Laharnar's blog talking about art and writing and what it's like doing both.  She asks some really great questions, and I hope I give at least solid answers!  *G*

Here's a quick sneak peek:

"What came first the art or the author?"
Oh, dear, that’s really hard to say.  As a kid I kept a journal and a lot of it was poetry and fiction snippets, but there were tons of sketches and doodles, too.  In fact, I’m dyslexic and when I was young if I couldn’t spell a word I’d draw a representation of it.  In kindergarten I was once writing a ghost story and just could not remember how to spell ‘graveyard’ so I drew a little gravestone and then wrote ‘yard’ after it.  That happened a lot in my writing then.  So drawing and writing kind of grew up together.  I suppose I’m lucky my teacher and my mom both thought that was really awesome, rather than just being annoyed I couldn’t spell.

So swing on by and check it out!

 Also check out the new pages around here!  I've added a current events page where you can check out what deals and promotions I've got going on at the moment, and I'm in the process of updated the other pages as well!

And don't forget about the Spring Makeover Cover Art Contest!  Send me your bad or outdated covers, and I'll take the five most in need of a redesign and make them over for FREE!  Just send them to my email at marysipe AT gmail DOT com.  Entries close on April 5th.


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