General Update

I am tremendously late with posts. Between general brain dead-ness and a sinus infection, pretty much all the words I can muster are going toward articles right now. I'm terribly behind on everything, but the stuff with deadlines gets top priority. Hopefully, I'll have something (semi) interesting to post about come this weekend, but we'll see how it goes!


Jean Davis said…
Sorry to hear about the sinus infection. Hope you feel better soon. Nothing like a stuffy, aching head to kill the creative energy. Blech!
Marion Sipe said…
Seriously! For a while there I thought my brain was going to get crushed and dribble out my ears! Thank you and I'm sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I hope you're feeling better as well!
Marion Sipe said…
Thank you! I'm starting too. I'm even writing again! (It's a miracle! ;-) )

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