Kat Holmes - Prolific and Persistant
Due to computer issues, I'm late in posting today, but this interview is nonetheless awesome! *G* Today, everyone, I have the great pleasure of introducing you to Kat Holmes!
Hi. My name is Kat Holmes and my mother
fellow author L.J. Holmes, told me I was born in the center of a beautiful
peach colored tulip. When I was old enough to understand what she was claiming,
I gave her my gimlet eye and said, “Ma, I think you’ve mistaken me for
Thumbelina.” Before we go any further, I
should tell you I’m not in the least bit petite, as my picture shows. What I can
say is my mom is a little bit weird. She does keep our cats entertained though,
and truthfully, she’s also my best friend…which is a good thing since we live
together, write together, and drive each other crazy together.
Marion: What
was the first book you ever read that really blew your mind, that you couldn’t
stop thinking about after you’d finished?
Actually, I have to blame my mom
again…big surprise! I’m a voracious reader-always have been. I’d already gone
through the “normal” books for my age group by the time I was twelve. The
Babysitter’s Club, Nancy Drew. The Hardy Boys. You name it, I’d read it! There
really wasn’t anything left, so Mom let me dive into her books, and OMG…WHAT an incredible array of material. You want
me to choose just one. That would have to be AMETHYST by Mary-Rose Hayes. I was totally captivated. I couldn’t put it down even though it was a
school night. I was hooked and have been ever since.
Marion: How
do you start thinking about a book? Is
it the characters that first pop to mind, or the setting, or the plot? Where do you usually start?
How do I start thinking about a
book? It varies. Sometimes I get bombarded with this massive batch of film-like
clips, other times my head will get crammed with images, sounds, scents, words.
I have a bunch of scratch paper with notes and details for stories and series
that will keep me busy for the next decade or two. Right now I’m writing three
series, but I have enough data for six more…and that doesn’t include the
Marion: If
you could invite five writers, living or dead, to dinner, who would they be?
What a great question. My first two choices are really easy. There’s my
mentor, best selling e and print author N.J. Walters and my mom’s mentor,
International best seller Glenn Kleier. These two incredibly gifted people have
become more than just friends. They inspired us in ways that would take too
much room to enumerate here, but I’d love to get them in on this literary
Mom and I do this rather warped, in
a twisted sort of way blog where we pit our prolific releases against William
Shakespeare. It’s a comedic take on our current place in the publishing world.
Here’s the direct link to that blog for those who’d like to check it out. http://holmesauthors.blogspot.com It’s always good for a laugh, but back to
this dinner…it might be interesting to see what The Bard really might think of
today’s breed of authorial genius.
Agatha Christie. Mom says my first
book with Muse It Up Publishing, THE
LIGHTHOUSE reminded her of the Dame because she couldn’t figure out
“who-dun-it” until the end and then went back and saw all the clues I’d salted
the book with.
Finally my publisher at Muse It Up
Publishing, Lea Schizas…one because she is such a deliciously gifted author,
but also because she’s dedicated to her authors. She’s supportive, encouraging,
and doesn’t JUST send form letter
rejections…she takes the time to SHOW
you where you need to work on your script to prepare it for resubmission. I
don’t know, maybe because she’s an author she’s more in tune with aiding the
needs of her authors. All I know is not all publishers care about their authors
first and foremost. Besides, I can picture her, Shakespeare and Dame Christie debating
the merits of good books. Not to mention a fantastic experience for me, N.J.
and Glenn to chime in on too.
Marion: Hee! That sounds like a lot of fun! When
was the last time you just had to
write, and what inspired that feeling?
Yesterday, actually. No rest for the
average writer thanks to the meddlesome muses living inside our heads.
Marion: When
you’re writing, what game do you most often play during “breaks”?
Sims Medieval Game. I LOVE creating
monarchies I can treat to my brand of “justice” depending on my moods.
Marion: Okay, that's totally my kind of game! Have
you ever tried to shake up your writing routine? Writing at a different time? Writing in new
places? Writing nude? *waggles eyebrows*
I don’t really have a routine, so
shaking it up would require me getting one first. I don’t think my inner muse
would take kindly to my disturbing HER resting times.
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Cover art by Delilah K. Stephens |
Marion: What
one scene do you think you spent the most time editing? What was it about it that you couldn’t seem
to get right?
Mom and I co-wrote HER LAST DAY,
together. We had to rewrite it and resubmit it four times before it was
accepted. When this book finally released, we were both over the moon, because
we love this book so much. The character of DARIA, we wanted this to be just
about her and the day she was forced by time and nature to live through. I
guess we wanted it to be more of a chronicle of what that day was to her and
only her, but it had to be given more emotion than we’d originally planned. That was hard, but Daria and her story
was worth whatever we had to do to bring her life to the public.
Marion: What’s
your worst writing habit? Something you
know you shouldn’t do, but just can’t seem to stop?
This is easy. Procrastination! I
have health issues. More often than I’d like to admit to, I’ll put off writing
today hoping I’ll feel better tomorrow. Because of that I haven’t put out as
many books, especially this last year as I have notes for. I just finally
finished book six in my GODS AT WORK
SERIES, submitted book two in my HEKATE’S WEB
SERIES, am about to start book three in my ARTIC LIGHTS SERIES and am working
on my third collaboration with my Mom.
Marion: What’s
the one thing you wish you were good
at, but just can’t seem to master?
I’m not sure what you’re asking
here, but when I read this question I snorted and immediately thought, “I wish
I could draw,” but I’m really lousy at it. I do great stick figures though. :-)
Marion: How
do you ‘get into character’? Are their
certain characters you find it harder to write than others?
I pretty much base my fictional
characters on people from my real life. I’ve met a lot of good people and I’ve
met a lot of people who make perfect role models for me to kill off or have other
dire things happen to.
Marion: There
are a lot of concepts about what writers are like, what’s the one you hate the
most? Like the most?
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Cover art by Delilah K. Stephans |
People think because you’re a
published author, you live like Stephen King or J.K. Rowlings. Most of us, just
like most actors do not live in mansions, and the closest I’ve ever gotten to a
Lamborghini is the Matchbox model my brother got for Christmas the year I was
eight. It takes time for most authors to get their name out there enough for
people to check them out and say “Hey, this writer is good. I’m gonna see what
else (s)he has out there.”
Marion: If
you could choose one writing related question you never, ever wanted to hear spoken again, what would it be?
Pretty much the same as the last
one…Why don’t I have a mansion? The thing is, even if I made as much as say
Norah Roberts, I’m not sure I’d want to rattle around in a big old mansion
Marion: What’s
your favorite book title?
Of my book titles? It’s a toss up between HIDDEN, FROZEN, and REFLECTIONS
SERIES which introduces my vampire
are Books One and Two in my ARTIC LIGHTS series…my fantasy world of perpetual
winter with Tichi, the god I created to invigorate it.
Marion: About
how long does it take you to get from first draft to polished manuscript? What does that process look like?
It takes between a week to two
weeks. Once a story comes to me it comes quickly. I write a chapter send it to
my mother to proofread and move on. By the time I write the last chapter all it
needs is the final formatting before subbing. It really is a huge help having
another author who’s so willing to proofread and help polish while it’s in the
writing stage.
Marion: What
did your “favorite” rejection letter say?
That was for HER LAST DAY. This
story is told totally from Daria’s voice, so when we got a rejection for
“head-hopping” we just shook our heads in disbelief.
Marion: Is
there a writer whose style or talent you envy?
What is it about their writing that draws you in?
N.J. Walters. Her TAPESTRY series
was my introduction to e-books. I used to be a print-book-snob until I was
bored one night and checked out N.J.’s e-publisher. The blurbs looked really
interesting so I took a chance and bought an N.J. book…and OMG! N.J.’s TAPESTRY series still keeps me pinned
to the edge of my Kindle.
Marion: Give
us a few parting words!
I want to take this opportunity to
thank you Marion Sipe for letting me visit your blog and spend time with your
readers. I’d also like to offer to the winner chosen by you free PDF copies of HER LAST DAY
and HIDDEN. While I’m at it…for those who’d be interested
in seeing my book trailers, I have two currently…the first for my debut Muse It
up Title,
I’d also like to encourage your
readers to visit my web
page, and my
blog. I’m also available at my
Muse It Up
Publishing Author’s Page.
Your output is amazing. To have a story ready to submit in one to two weeks, oh wow, now that talent I'd give my eye teeth for. It takes me a year, even more, to be satisfied with a short story and over 4 years before my novel was ready to submit.
Congratulations on your all of your books and your new contract. Keep them coming.
@Wendy - Kat's output blows me away. I'm more like you, it takes me forever to get something to that point!
@Kat - Thank you so much for stopping by! I really loved having you here and hearing about your stories! And huge congrats on the new contract!
I meant to get here on Saturday, but Spatz chose Saturday to plop herself on my belly, on my bed and refuse to move...the whole day long. I guess it was a good thing since the Hallmark channel had a Matlock marathon I probably would not have found if Spatz weren't holding me hostage.
I'm the lucky proofreader who gets to see what Kat's agile mind is up to before anyone else, and I have to say...she amazes me. When she created Artica, her land of perpetual winter, I was blown away. Both Frozen and Reflections of Ice would make me a fan no matter who she was. I love Tichi, Awni...and hey those swirling lights...are mesmerizing.
Of course, she alread told one and all about The Lighthouse. I really AM an Agatha Christie fan. Hercule Poirot is a fascinating detective. And Kat truly does salt her book with clues but so casually, never suspected.
I must confess I am a fan of urban fantasy...erspecially many of the vampire series. I didn't think anyone could come up with a new idea that wouldn't make me want to yawn and put in a fork in it. You already have King Arthur and his band of happy knights along with randy Gwen up there in Valhalla ruling it over their band of adorable blood suckers. You have the lovable Carpathians with their dragon seekers and other unique immortals, and Atlantians running around with nanos sucking up blood so they can rebuild their immortals...so seriously, what could possibley be left?
Enter Kat's love of Greek mythology...have you read any of her Gods At Work? Her recent ones are WOW..comets circling our reading worlds...She broought Hekate into the vampire realm making her the force behind the good dark ones...and oh boy howdie does she have an agenda.
Kat mentioned notes she has for future books and series...? Well, she's run them by me...and it's just not right to tease your Mama. I know what's coming...every last one...but I gotta wait!
Oops...Spatz is back and she's eyeballing my keyboard. I think she means to demand my undivided attention, so I'd better do the ctaptcha before she spreads herself over all the keys. Bye for now.